In the past funding period, the Biostatistics Core has provided statistical support for the Projects, assisted inthe design of new studies and projects, and worked with the InterSPORE Bioinformatics Committee on thedefinition of common data elements related to the SPOREs and on the construction of a common OvarianSPORE tissue data base. The Core will continue these activities in the in the new proposal.
The specific aims of the Biostatistics Core are:
Aim 1) To provide the statistics and data analysis requiredby the projects and cores to achieve their specific aims. The Core will provide expertise and computationalfacilities to perform the statistical analyses required by each Project.
Aim 2) To assist in the design andimplementation of new trials and studies arising from the ongoing research of the SPORE. As progress ismade in each Project, new experiments and trials will be developed. The Biostatistics Core will lead thedesign of such proposed trials. If ongoing studies need to be modified, the Core will participate in theredesign to insure that the statistical properties of the trial are maintained.
Aim 3) To provide guidance tothe projects and cores in data management issues such as data entry and retrieval, quality assurance,security, and data backups. All the investigators involved in the SPORE have experience with the softwarerequired to enter, maintain, and retrieve the data produced by their Projects. As necessary, the Core willprovide assistance in the data management of each project. The Core will provide expertise in the selectionof software and in data design, audit, and backup.
Aim 4) To facilitate the exchange of information and databetween the components of the SPORE by providing assistance in networking, email, data translation, andelectronic file exchange. Success of the SPORE depends upon a close cooperation among the Projects andCores. The Biostatistics Core will facilitate the exchange of data and information between Projects. The Corewill assist in electronic transfer and in the selection of data items and format to ensure data compatibility.
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