The objectives of the pilot program project are tp 1) provide seed funding for novel and creative research projects, 2) spark the interest of individual faculty members and promote interdisciplinary and inter-institutional research programs, and 3) provide a mechanism fore the distribution of funds based on merit and overall direction of the Center. Availability of this funding mechanism is expected to have a significant impact in developing novel technologies, advancing research tools to clinical practice and discovering important aspects of tumor biology through in vivo imaging. A total of four pilot projects will be funded per year through a one time award. Priority will be given to proposal which 1) are interdisciplinary and involve a synthesis in molecular/cellular and imaging sciences and 2) employ innovative concepts. To encourage submission of as many as proposals as possible, the format will be designed to keep the replication procedure to a minimum, while still being able to evaluate the merit of the application. External researchers will be assigned a CMR faculty to carry out the proposed research. Special emphasis will also be placed on optimal utilization of existing CMR resources. The four pilot projects in year 01 of funding address fundamental issues molecular imaging. The first project will utilize a previously developed technique for quantitating viral distribution during gene therapy to CNS malignancy. The second pilot projects will use site directed mutagenesis to search for more efficient novel internalizing receptor systems as MR marker genes. The third pilot project will design, build and validate a novel diffuse optical tomography system for mice. The fourth pilot project investigate avenues to direct """"""""smart"""""""" imaging probes to different intracellular compartment for improved sensing avenues to direct """"""""smart"""""""" imaging probes to different intracellular compartments for improved sensing. Together, thee highly novel pilot projects are expected to further the filed of in vitro molecular imaging.

National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Specialized Center (P50)
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Special Emphasis Panel (ZCA1)
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Massachusetts General Hospital
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Dubach, J Matthew; Kim, Eunha; Yang, Katherine et al. (2017) Quantitating drug-target engagement in single cells in vitro and in vivo. Nat Chem Biol 13:168-173
Vinegoni, Claudio; Fumene Feruglio, Paolo; Brand, Christian et al. (2017) Measurement of drug-target engagement in live cells by two-photon fluorescence anisotropy imaging. Nat Protoc 12:1472-1497
Iaconelli, Jonathan; Lalonde, Jasmin; Watmuff, Bradley et al. (2017) Lysine Deacetylation by HDAC6 Regulates the Kinase Activity of AKT in Human Neural Progenitor Cells. ACS Chem Biol 12:2139-2148
Arlauckas, Sean P; Garris, Christopher S; Kohler, Rainer H et al. (2017) In vivo imaging reveals a tumor-associated macrophage-mediated resistance pathway in anti-PD-1 therapy. Sci Transl Med 9:
Miller, Miles A; Weissleder, Ralph (2017) Imaging the pharmacology of nanomaterials by intravital microscopy: Toward understanding their biological behavior. Adv Drug Deliv Rev 113:61-86
Engblom, Camilla; Pfirschke, Christina; Zilionis, Rapolas et al. (2017) Osteoblasts remotely supply lung tumors with cancer-promoting SiglecFhigh neutrophils. Science 358:
Miller, Miles A; Askevold, Bjorn; Mikula, Hannes et al. (2017) Nano-palladium is a cellular catalyst for in vivo chemistry. Nat Commun 8:15906
Pucci, Ferdinando; Garris, Christopher; Lai, Charles P et al. (2016) SCS macrophages suppress melanoma by restricting tumor-derived vesicle-B cell interactions. Science 352:242-6
Roy, Jeremy; Kim, Bongki; Hill, Eric et al. (2016) Tyrosine kinase-mediated axial motility of basal cells revealed by intravital imaging. Nat Commun 7:10666
Pfirschke, Christina; Engblom, Camilla; Rickelt, Steffen et al. (2016) Immunogenic Chemotherapy Sensitizes Tumors to Checkpoint Blockade Therapy. Immunity 44:343-54

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