The Tissue and Blood Bank Core for the Lung Cancer SPORE will serve as a shared resource for the mainResearch Projects and for the Career Development and Developmental Research Programs. The Core willcollect, process, store and distribute tissue and body fluid specimens from patients diagnosed with lungcancer or with suspected lung cancer, and from subjects who are members of the PLuSS cohort and thePLuSS High-Risk Sub-Cohort. Triage and distribution of all specimens will be prioritized according to a planestablished with all SPORE investigators, and approved by the Tissue and Blood Bank Core Pathologists.The Core will procure and triage fresh human lung tissue, including tumor, adjacent uninvolved, and normaltissues distal from the tumor, and bronchial biopsies of the airway, from lung cancer patients undergoingresections or bronchoscopies, as well as individuals undergoing these procedures for reasons other thanung cancer. After triage under sterile conditions, tissues designated by the Core Pathologist as normal orabnormal will be either immediately distributed to investigators for tissue culture, protein analysis, RNAanalysis, or DMA analysis, or will be stored for future use. Lymphocytes, serum, and plasma will beseparated from other blood components and used immediately or stored for future analysis. Fragments oftissue will also be formalin-fixed for paraffin embedding. Fixed tumor blocks from patients enrolled in clinicaltrials will also be obtained and stored by the Core. Some paraffin embedded specimens will be sectioned,examined by a Core Pathologist and normal and abnormal area separated by microdissection; others will beused for the preparation of tissue microarrays (TMAs). The Core will also carry out EGFR mutation analyseson microdissected tumor specimens and will utilize tumor tissue sections for EGFR amplification analyses byfluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The Core will also carry out routine and special pathology such asimmunohistochemistry, morphometry, digital imaging and photography. Tissue/fluid procurement will belinked to ongoing SPORE projects and modifications will be made as necessary to meet any changes inSPORE research goals. All tissues will be collected through IRB-approved protocols on which Tissue andBlood Bank Core pathologists will be co-investigators. The Tissue and Blood Bank Core will take advantageof the UPCI infrastructure already existing for procurement of tissue and will not duplicate it.
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