The central goal of this core is to provide optimal quality human tissue handling, preservation, processing,and morphologic characterization of bio-specimens obtained from patients suffering from NSCLC in amanner that ensures accurate and detailed annotation of collection parameters. It will further collectassociated pathologic, demographic and clinical outcomes data to ensure outstanding quality data analysisyielding biologically plausible and clinically meaningful conclusions on the utility of the diverse biomoleculesbeing investigated. This specialized 'virtual' tissue resource will subsume the 'legacy' lung cancer tissueresource at HLMCC to create a comprehensive relational database that seamlessly integrates acrossinternal and external domains. The framework thus established will serve as an integrating mechanismamong projects, facilitating optimal utilization of shared resources within the Moffitt Cancer Center, andtissue procurement and distribution in accordance with established institutional and lung cancer SPOREguidelines. The core will provide high quality collection and tissue analysis of paraffin embedded tissueblocks for potential downstream tissue micro-array construction and immuno-histochemical characterization.Each of these functions will be carried out in strict compliance with College of American Pathologists (CAP)guidelines with discrete field data entry using pre-identified common data elements. A significant emphasiswill be placed on high throughput technologies and cancer micro-genomics using laser capture microdissection. New methodologies will be validated and incorporated to harvest small quantities ofmacromolecules (DMA, RNA and protein) for target molecule analysis. The core will efficiently utilize tissuemicro arrays to provide a mechanism for discovery of outcomes predictor models when coupled withquantitative in situ analysis.
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