The role of the Administrative Core will be to oversee all administrative and financial aspects of theDISCOVER initiative, assist with the translational component of the DISCOVER initiative, andfacilitatescientific interactions via the Executive Translational Committee and the External Advisory Panel.The Administrative Core that will serve the DISCOVER initiative has been a well-functioning team for thepast eight years. Staff has successfully administered the CCCEH scientific research, community outreachand education, and policy translation. Staff overlap between the Administrative Core and CommunityOutreach, Translation and Education Core has proven to be highly cost effective. The Administrative Corehas the capacity and expertise to expand its work to administer the four DISCOVER initiative researchprojects and data management core, and will operate in a timely and efficient manner, ensuring regularexchanges of information between investigators and external advisors and consultants. The AdminstrativeCore will be critical to the translation component of the DISCOVER initiative. Specifically, Administrativepersonnel will coordinate the translation of DISCOVER research to physicians, communities, advocacygroups, government agencies; schedule and coordinate investigator CME presentations at grand rounds atlocal hospitals; conduct outreach to local physician groups, coordinate investigator CME presentations inc.QmmupiJy.:ipr5i,ctice.settings; assist investigators to develop educational faet-sheete^on'-envHronmentalcontaminants that pose major risks to respiratory health; disseminate research findings to advocacyorganizations, elected officials and other policy makers working to improve environmental health throughpublic policy reform; and update CCCEH web site with new research findings, practical recommendations forreducing environmental exposures harmful to respiratoryhealth, and resource links. The Core's two ProgramCoordinators have Masters degrees in community education, public policy, and epidemiology, and haveextensive experience in translating the Center's scientific research results for the lay public and variousprofessional audiences. Additional administrative responsibilities include providing overall administration,coordination and guidance of the Center's activities, providing financial management and oversight for theCenter's cores and projects, and facilitating interaction between investigators and all collaborators.
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