In this competitive renewal of the Autonomic Disorders PPG, we provide a highly integrated proposal wherethe individual projects and the cores are tightly interwoven. In this spirit, we have combined an integrateddescription of the PPG overview and the CORE in the following description.Abbreviations: AAN = autoimmune autonomic neuropathy; AChR = acetylcholine receptor; ASP = autonomicsymptom profile; BP = blood pressure; CAP = Clinical, Administrative and Physiology; CARL = ClinicalAutonomic Reflex Laboratory; CASS = composite autonomic severity score; COMPASS = compositeautonomic symptom score; DLB = dementia with Lewy bodies; EAAN = experimental autoimmune autonomicneuropathy; GCRC = general clinical research center; HUT = head-up tilt; LBNP = lower body negativepressure; MSA = multiple system atrophy; OH = orthostatic hypotension; PI = principal investigator; POTS =postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; PPG = Program Project; QSART = quantitative sudomotor axonreflextes
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