Lee, Jung Yeon; Brook, Judith S; Finch, Stephen J et al. (2018) Trajectories of cannabis use beginning in adolescence associated with symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in the mid-thirties. Subst Abus 39:39-45
Lee, Jung Yeon; Brook, Judith S; De La Rosa, Mario et al. (2017) The association between alcohol use trajectories from adolescence to adulthood and cannabis use disorder in adulthood: a 22-year longitudinal study. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 43:727-733
Lee, Jung Yeon; Brook, Judith S; Finch, Stephen J et al. (2017) Joint trajectories of cigarette smoking and depressive symptoms from the mid-20s to the mid-30s predicting generalized anxiety disorder. J Addict Dis 36:158-166
Lee, Jung Yeon; Brook, Judith S; Pahl, Kerstin et al. (2017) Longitudinal pathways from unconventional personal attributes in the late 20s to cannabis use prior to sexual intercourse in the late 30s. Addict Behav 74:148-152
Lee, Jung Yeon; Brook, Judith S; Finch, Stephen J et al. (2016) An Adverse Family Environment During Adolescence Predicts Marijuana Use and Antisocial Personality Disorder in Adulthood. J Child Fam Stud 25:661-668
Lee, Jung Yeon; Brook, Judith S; Finch, Stephen J et al. (2016) Pathways from victimization to substance use: Post traumatic stress disorder as a mediator. Psychiatry Res 237:153-8
Lee, Jung Yeon; Brook, Judith S; Nezia, Nasrat et al. (2016) Adolescent predictors of alcohol use in adulthood: A 22-year longitudinal study. Am J Addict 25:549-56
Lee, Jung Yeon; Brook, Judith S; Finch, Stephen J et al. (2016) Trajectories of Cigarette Smoking Beginning in Adolescence Predict Insomnia in the Mid Thirties. Subst Use Misuse 51:616-24
Brook, Judith S; Lee, Jung Yeon; Finch, Stephen J et al. (2015) Conjoint trajectories of depressive symptoms and delinquent behavior predicting substance use disorders. Addict Behav 42:14-9
Lee, Jung Yeon; Brook, Judith S; Finch, Stephen J et al. (2015) Trajectories of marijuana use from adolescence to adulthood predicting unemployment in the mid 30s. Am J Addict 24:452-9
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