This study examines a community pharmacy-based intervention to reduce opioid medication misuse. Despite a recent national decline in opioid prescribing, 10.3 million Americans in 2018 reported misusing a pre- scribed opioid, and within this population, >36% of those who misused obtained the opioid medication by filling a prescription. The point of medication dispensing, namely the community pharmacy, is a an untapped resource to address prescription opioid misuse?especially when considering the >60,000 pharmacies employing >170,000 pharmacists in the US. We have established preliminary data that provides important support for the current project: (1) pharmacists are concerned about misuse but need training and resources to become in- volved; (2) community pharmacy patients can be screened successfully for misuse in these settings; (3) we have established an integrated care intervention amenable to current pharmacy practice?Brief Intervention-Medica- tion Therapy Management (BI-MTM); and (4) our pilot data has shown support for feasibility, acceptability, pre- liminary intervention efficacy. Encouraged by these findings, we now aim to conduct a fully-powered RCT of the BI-MTM intervention in community pharmacy settings that will accomplish 3 Specific Aims.
The first Aim will demonstrate the pharmacist-led BI-MTM intervention is superior to standard medication counseling (SMC) for mitigating opioid medication misuse. This will be accomplished by conducting a powered single-blinded random- ized trial to test the efficacy of BI-MTM (n=175) vs. SMC (n=175). Participants will be screened/recruited for eligibility at point of dispensing in 14 community pharmacies in Utah, a high opioid prescribing and opioid-adverse event state. Participants will be assessed at baseline, 2, and 6 months for opioid medication misuse. Participant- level state prescription drug monitoring data will also be linked with patient outcomes to assess objective changes in medication misuse behaviors (e.g., early refills and doctor/pharmacy shopping).
The second Aim will identify the pathway by which BI-MTM results in improvements for depression, pain, and subsequently opioid misuse. To accomplish this, a path analysis will assess relationships of BI-MTM: (1) on depression, pain, and misuse, (2) depression on misuse, and (3) pain on misuse.
Our final Aim will explore latent transitions of baseline to post- intervention misuse classes by intervention group. This will be accomplished by using mixture modeling, specif- ically multi-group latent transition analysis. We will employ observed misuse indicators to estimate latent class transitions across time, grouping by treatment condition and adjusting for baseline covariates. Completing SA1- 3 advance the understanding of BI-MTM efficacy and set the stage for a national multisite trial.
Community pharmacy is an underutilized location for identifying and engaging those who misuse opioid medications. Our highly experienced, interdisciplinary research team proposes the current powered randomized controlled trial across 14 community pharmacies to test the efficacy of the Brief Intervention-Medication Therapy Management intervention (BI-MTM). The establishment of the BI-MTM model will result in a major impact for addressing the opioid epidemic, preventing opioid use disorder and overdose, and safeguarding patient health in a novel community-based service setting.