Smith, V C; Jin, P Q; Pokorny, J (2001) The role of spatial frequency in color induction. Vision Res 41:1007-21
Alexander, K R; Pokorny, J; Smith, V C et al. (2001) Contrast discrimination deficits in retinitis pigmentosa are greater for stimuli that favor the magnocellular pathway. Vision Res 41:671-83
Miyahara, E; Smith, V C; Pokorny, J (2001) The consequences of opponent rectification: the effect of surround size and luminance on color appearance. Vision Res 41:859-71
Smith, V C; Sun, V C; Pokorny, J (2001) Pulse and steady-pedestal contrast discrimination: effect of spatial parameters. Vision Res 41:2079-88
Watanabe, A; Pokorny, J; Smith, V C (1999) Measuring short-wavelength-sensitive cone discrimination thresholds using pseudoisochromatic figures displayed on a color monitor. Jpn J Ophthalmol 43:5-8
Watanabe, A; Pokorny, J; Smith, V C (1998) Red-green chromatic discrimination with variegated and homogeneous stimuli. Vision Res 38:3271-4
Smith, V C; Jin, Q; Pokorny, J (1998) Color appearance: neutral surrounds and spatial contrast. Vision Res 38:3265-9
Pokorny, J; Smith, V C (1997) Psychophysical signatures associated with magnocellular and parvocellular pathway contrast gain. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis 14:2477-86
Smith, V C; Pokorny, J (1996) Color contrast under controlled chromatic adaptation reveals opponent rectification. Vision Res 36:3087-105
Miyahara, E; Pokorny, J; Smith, V C (1996) Increment threshold and purity discrimination spectral sensitivities of X-chromosome-linked color-defective observers. Vision Res 36:1597-613
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