Völker, Jens; Plum, G Eric; Gindikin, Vera et al. (2014) Impact of bulge loop size on DNA triplet repeat domains: Implications for DNA repair and expansion. Biopolymers 101:1-12
Li, Mengxia; Völker, Jens; Breslauer, Kenneth J et al. (2014) APE1 incision activity at abasic sites in tandem repeat sequences. J Mol Biol 426:2183-98
Braunlin, William; Völker, Jens; Plum, G Eric et al. (2013) DNA meter: Energy tunable, quantitative hybridization assay. Biopolymers 99:408-17
Völker, Jens; Gindikin, Vera; Klump, Horst H et al. (2012) Energy landscapes of dynamic ensembles of rolling triplet repeat bulge loops: implications for DNA expansion associated with disease states. J Am Chem Soc 134:6033-44
Völker, Jens; Plum, G Eric; Klump, Horst H et al. (2010) Energetic coupling between clustered lesions modulated by intervening triplet repeat bulge loops: allosteric implications for DNA repair and triplet repeat expansion. Biopolymers 93:355-69
Minetti, Conceição A S A; Remeta, David P; Johnson, Francis et al. (2010) Impact of alpha-hydroxy-propanodeoxyguanine adducts on DNA duplex energetics: opposite base modulation and implications for mutagenicity and genotoxicity. Biopolymers 93:370-82
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Völker, Jens; Plum, G Eric; Klump, Horst H et al. (2010) Energy crosstalk between DNA lesions: implications for allosteric coupling of DNA repair and triplet repeat expansion pathways. J Am Chem Soc 132:4095-7
Völker, Jens; Plum, G Eric; Klump, Horst H et al. (2009) DNA repair and DNA triplet repeat expansion: the impact of abasic lesions on triplet repeat DNA energetics. J Am Chem Soc 131:9354-60
Johnson, Matthew D; Völker, Jens; Moeller, Holly V et al. (2009) Universal constant for heat production in protists. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106:6696-9
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