Kang, Ningdong; Baum, Michael J; Cherry, James A (2009) A direct main olfactory bulb projection to the 'vomeronasal' amygdala in female mice selectively responds to volatile pheromones from males. Eur J Neurosci 29:624-34
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Li, Abby A; Baum, Michael J; McIntosh, Laura J et al. (2008) Building a scientific framework for studying hormonal effects on behavior and on the development of the sexually dimorphic nervous system. Neurotoxicology 29:504-19
Jakupovic, Jasmina; Kang, Ningdong; Baum, Michael J (2008) Effect of bilateral accessory olfactory bulb lesions on volatile urinary odor discrimination and investigation as well as mating behavior in male mice. Physiol Behav 93:467-73
Sorwell, Krystina G; Wesson, Daniel W; Baum, Michael J (2008) Sexually dimorphic enhancement by estradiol of male urinary odor detection thresholds in mice. Behav Neurosci 122:788-93
Alekseyenko, Olga V; Waters, Patricia; Zhou, Huiquan et al. (2007) Bilateral damage to the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus of male ferrets causes a female-typical preference for and a hypothalamic Fos response to male body odors. Physiol Behav 90:438-49
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