Scientific understanding of the processes underlying choice will contribute to the development of interventions that address motivation, impulsivity, treatment adherence, and health behaviors. This project investigates choice from several perspectives: (1) Operant studies examining how temporal features of reinforcement affect subsequent choices as well as the conditions under which the reinforcement values attached to particular options transfer to new contexts; (2) Studies of choices made within structured interpersonal transactions that characterize the effects of such variables as gender, age, personality, nature of reward, and temporal features of the transactions; (3) Development of methods to train people to adopt optimal choices (such as avoiding base-rate neglect), including comparisons of overt teaching versus self-induction methods. The outcomes of these studies are expected to influence the development of improved and individualized forms of behavioral and cognitive therapy as well as guide future research on the neural bases of choice.
Charlton, Shawn R; Fantino, Edmund; Gossett, Bradley D (2013) Hyperbolic discounting of delayed social interaction. Learn Behav 41:159-67 |
Alessandri, Jerome; Lattal, Kennon A; Fantino, Edmund (2013) Choices between segmented and unsegmented schedules and the self-control paradigm. Behav Processes 94:26-31 |
Meyer, Stephen F; Schley, Dan R; Fantino, Edmund (2011) The role of context in risky choice. Behav Processes 87:100-5 |
Silberberg, Alan; Fantino, Edmund (2010) Observing responses: maintained by good news only? Behav Processes 85:80-2 |
Fantino, Edmund; Silberberg, Alan (2010) Revisiting the role of bad news in maintaining human observing behavior. J Exp Anal Behav 93:157-70 |
Fantino, Edmund; Kennelly, Arthur (2009) Sharing the wealth: factors influencing resource allocation in the sharing game. J Exp Anal Behav 91:337-54 |
Navarro, Anton D; Fantino, Edmund (2009) The Sunk-Time Effect: An Exploration. J Behav Decis Mak 22:252-270 |
Fantino, Edmund (2008) Choice, Conditioned Reinforcement, and the Prius Effect. Behav Anal 31:95-111 |
Fantino, Edmund; Romanowich, Paul (2007) The effect of conditioned reinforcement rate on choice: a review. J Exp Anal Behav 87:409-21 |
Fantino, Edmund; Gaitan, Santino; Kennelly, Art et al. (2007) How reinforcer type affects choice in economic games. Behav Processes 75:107-14 |
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