Szabo, Theresa M; McCormick, Catherine A; Faber, Donald S (2007) Otolith endorgan input to the Mauthner neuron in the goldfish. J Comp Neurol 505:511-25
Szabo, T M; Weiss, S A; Faber, D S et al. (2006) Representation of auditory signals in the M-cell: role of electrical synapses. J Neurophysiol 95:2617-29
Smith, Mackenzie; Pereda, Alberto E (2003) Chemical synaptic activity modulates nearby electrical synapses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100:4849-54
Preuss, Thomas; Faber, Donald S (2003) Central cellular mechanisms underlying temperature-dependent changes in the goldfish startle-escape behavior. J Neurosci 23:5617-26
Kumar, S S; Faber, D S (1999) Plasticity of first-order sensory synapses: interactions between homosynaptic long-term potentiation and heterosynaptically evoked dopaminergic potentiation. J Neurosci 19:1620-35
Pereda, A E; Bell, T D; Chang, B H et al. (1998) Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II mediates simultaneous enhancement of gap-junctional conductance and glutamatergic transmission. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 95:13272-7
Bell, T D; Pereda, A E; Faber, D S (1997) Nitric oxide synthase distribution in the goldfish Mauthner cell. Neurosci Lett 226:187-90
Pereda, A E; Faber, D S (1996) Activity-dependent short-term enhancement of intercellular coupling. J Neurosci 16:983-92
Silva, A; Kumar, S; Pereda, A et al. (1995) Regulation of synaptic strength at mixed synapses: effects of dopamine receptor blockade and protein kinase C activation. Neuropharmacology 34:1559-65
Pereda, A E; Bell, T D; Faber, D S (1995) Retrograde synaptic communication via gap junctions coupling auditory afferents to the Mauthner cell. J Neurosci 15:5943-55
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