The biomedical and behaviorally-related sciences are faced with workforce challenges that must be considered a priority if we are to meet the needs of the nation and drive health innovation. These challenges include lack of diversity in the workforce, but more importantly, lack of access of Underrepresented Minorities (URM) to career development programs that can allow them to enter the workforce. These challenges can be overcome, at least in part, by establishing programs to disseminate vanguard scientific information, create diverse and inclusive networks, and by establishing a system that promotes originality and allows creativity. The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is an inclusive, multi- disciplinary and multicultural organization with a 45+ year history of interventions toward enhancing URM participation in biomedical and behaviorally-related STEM (sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. As the largest minority serving scientific organization in the country, SACNAS aims to serve, educate, promote, and prepare the next generation of successful URMs, particularly Hispanics and Native Americans, to integrate them into the workforce and promote their advancement. The National Diversity in STEM Conference has a long history of delivering high-quality programming. It provides a framework for the presentation of innovative and original research, mentoring opportunities, trans-disciplinary panels, and professional development workshops to URMs. Furthermore, the Conference will provide opportunities for discussions on how we can best integrate and diversify biomedical and behavioral research, paying particular attention on how to be inclusive of those most underserved and underrepresented. The three aims of this proposal are to: 1) Support student participation at the Conference, 2) Support participation at the Conference of keynote and session speakers conducting biomedical and behaviorally-related STEM research, and 3) Support the development, organization and implementation of the Conference Programming. The ultimate goal of the National Diversity in STEM Conference is to develop a well-prepared workforce, with a strong scientific identity and self-efficacy through presentation of their own research, multiple encounters with mentors and scientific speakers, role models, topic exerts, one-on-one mentoring settings, and purposeful professional development advise at all levels of a biomedical career.
SACNAS, the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science, is an inclusive, multi-disciplinary and multicultural organization with a 45+ year history of interventions toward enhancing Underrepresented Minority (URM) participation in STEM fields. The National Diversity in STEM Conference (Conference) aims at increasing preparedness of the scientific workforce by delivering a vanguard scientific program, provide a framework for research presentations, enable trans-disciplinary discussions, provide mentoring opportunities, and promote professional development of URMs in biomedically-focused and behaviorally-related STEM fields. The Conference will also encourage panel discussions on how we can best integrate and diversify biomedical research, paying particular attention to be inclusive of those most underserved and underrepresented (e.g. Native Americans).