Our objective is to host an in-person meeting on March 27th, 2014 to develop a national research and development roadmap for the new field of """"""""Population Health Informatics"""""""". The Center for Population Health IT (CPHIT) at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health will host this event with an aim towards bringing together national experts and leading researchers from academia, the public sector, provider organizations, and the IT Industry. This symposium aims to convene a participator, interactive symposium to help set national research priorities and a research roadmap for this new field of population health informatics.
As an emerging field Population Health Informatics (PopHI) needs research agenda-setting. This is particularly critical given the profound transformation of the health care and HIT fields taking place at this time due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) initiative, as well as widespread reforms by private and public payers moving towards population based accountable care organizations (ACO) and patient centered medical homes (PCMH) which embody population health principles. This participator, interactive symposium will be a first of its kind bringing together researchers, technical and policy experts, and thought leaders from academia, government, and industry to help set research and development priorities for the field.