?fNIRS2020? is an international meeting of researchers, physicians, and engineers in academia and industry who are interested in applying diffuse optics methods to the study of normal brain function and its alteration in disease. This is the 6th biennial meeting organized by the Society of functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, focused on the use of various NIRS and hybrid imaging techniques to interrogate functional brain activity in neuroscience and clinical applications. The overarching goals of the conference are: 1) To bring together scientists from interdisciplinary backgrounds to advance the development of new imaging tools to enable the detection, characterization, quantification, and treatment monitoring of brain disease processes. 2) To identify new opportunities for fNIRS, to delineate the key challenges facing the field and to identify strategies to overcome these challenges. 3) To create a platform for open discussion amongst attendees of all levels of experience, and to promote the participation of the next generation of imaging scientists. The meeting topics will cover computational neuroscience and neuroscience applications, clinical applications, cognitive and social neuroscience, aging and neurodegeneration, neonatal and pediatric neurodevelopmental neuroscience and global fNIRS, hardware development, data analysis and algorithms. The structure of the meeting entails first allowing invited speakers who are leaders in the specific session to introduce it by challenging the audience with their vision of the future. The sessions will be followed by oral and poster presentations selected from submitted abstracts by the program committee. The program will also include a key note lecture, a special session on next technological frontiers and a session formed from finalist young investigators. Poster sessions and networking events at the meeting will provide opportunities for communication and collaboration among attendees of all levels of training. There will be travel awards for trainees and young investigators based on top abstracts with special emphasis for female and underrepresented minorities authors. This conference, as in the past years, will leverage the breadth of expertise of a truly international and multidisciplinary group of researchers, who work in the area of fNIRS and related fields, to identify and explore new avenues to advance basic and translational research opportunities, and to establish and foster communication, collaboration, and fellowship among the group.
?fNIRS2020? is an international meeting of researchers, physicians, and engineers in academia and industry who are interested in applying diffuse optics methods to the study of normal brain function and its alteration in disease. This meeting will leverage the diverse attendee?s expertise to identify opportunities and address challenges for the field in order to develop new tools to enable the detection, characterization, quantification, and treatment monitoring of brain disease processes.