Biomedical and Behavioral Science research education programs across the nation are faced with challenges that must be collectively considered to meet the needs of the nation and drive innovation. The challenges include a high number of PhDs being awarded relative to the available academic faculty positions, student access to career and scientific leadership development programs, and established programs to diversify a strong workforce. Here, we propose specific initiatives that reduce barriers for students and postdoctoral fellows in STEM. This project proposes to advance the academic and career progress of underrepresented minority students and scientists in the Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences. SACNAS (the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science), the largest multicultural and multidisciplinary STEM diversity organization in the nation with a 46-year history, is ideally positioned to address these challenges. SACNAS will develop culturally responsive academic and career trainings for its established network of underrepresented minority students and postdoctoral fellows to enhance retention, increase workforce diversity andfacilitateprogressalongvariouscareertracks(academia,industry,government,nonprofits) within the Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences disciplines. The objectives are: 1) Complement thehomeinstitutetrainingofURMstudentstomeetthenation?sbiomedicalresearchneeds;? 2) Enhance the professional development and scientific leadership skills of the biomedical, behavioral and clinical research workforce. The intended outcomes are: 1)full participation in STEM research across all segments of the population including the URM community;? 2)preparing a supply of URM Biomedical researchers that better reflect the demographics of theUSA;?and3)developmentofscientificleadersfromdiversebackgrounds.Theseobjectives willbemetbyaccomplishingthefollowingspecificaims:
Aim1 :DevelopaDiverseBiomedical Workforce Through Targeted Mentorship at the SACNAS National Conference and SACNAS Chapters.
Aim2 :IncreasetheRepresentationofNativeAmericansintheBiomedicalWorkforce byPartneringwithInstitutionsServingNativeAmericanStudents.
Aim3 :ProvideProfessional Development, Scientific Leadership and Career Transition Training to Postdoctoral Fellows.
These aims will address the national challenges in higher educational and addresses the need todevelopadiverseBiomedicalandBehavioralworkforce.
Biomedical and Behavioral Science research education programs across the nation are faced with challenges (e.g. changing job markets), and potential opportunities (e.g. large diverse population), that must be collectively considered to meet the needs of the nation and drive innovations. SACNAS (the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science), the largest multicultural and multidisciplinary STEM diversity organization in the nation with a more than 46-year history, is ideally positioned to address these challenges. SACNAS will develop career trainings for its established network of underrepresented minority students and postdoctoral fellows to enhance retention, build leadership skill sets, increase workforce diversity, and facilitate progress along various career tracks (academia, industry, government, nonprofits) within the Biomedical and Behavioral Sciencesdisciplines.