Salthouse, T A (2001) Attempted decomposition of age-related influences on two tests of reasoning. Psychol Aging 16:251-63
Salthouse, T A; Toth, J; Daniels, K et al. (2000) Effects of aging on efficiency of task switching in a variant of the trail making test. Neuropsychology 14:102-11
Salthouse, T A; Czaja, S J (2000) Structural constraints on process explanations in cognitive aging. Psychol Aging 15:44-55
Salthouse, T A (2000) Item analyses of age relations on reasoning tests. Psychol Aging 15:8-Mar
Hambrick, D Z; Salthouse, T A; Meinz, E J (1999) Predictors of crossword puzzle proficiency and moderators of age-cognition relations. J Exp Psychol Gen 128:131-64
Becker, J T; Salthouse, T A (1999) Neuropsychological test performance in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: independent effects of diagnostic group on functioning. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 5:41-7
Woodard, J L; Dunlosky, J A; Salthouse, T A (1999) Task decomposition analysis of intertrial free recall performance on the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 21:666-76
Salthouse, T A; Fristoe, N; McGuthry, K E et al. (1998) Relation of task switching to speed, age, and fluid intelligence. Psychol Aging 13:445-61
Salthouse, T A (1998) Independence of age-related influences on cognitive abilities across the life span. Dev Psychol 34:851-64
Salthouse, T A; Hambrick, D Z; McGuthry, K E (1998) Shared age-related influences on cognitive and noncognitive variables. Psychol Aging 13:486-500
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