EXCEED THE SPACE PROVIDED. The overall goal of the proposed predoctoral trainingprogram is to provide the biomedical community with highly creative and productive HIV/AIDS researchers. This goal is mandated by the intellectual desires and career aspirations of the program's predoctoral trainees and by the health needs of the nation as specified by various task forces of NIH and CDC. This goal will be achieved by having the students train in the well established interdepartmentalgraduate training milieu of the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. The essential core environmentwill be fostered by: a faculty dedicated to excellence in teaching and research and committed to training in HIV/AIDS research; active HIV/AIDS research programs of the program faculty; lecture courses and structured seminars in various aspects of HIV/AIDS research; journal clubs; well- designed enrichment activities and workshops; and a catalyticnumber of trainees. Research opportunities in a wide variety of relevant problems within the purview of HIV/AIDS research will be offered to trainees by experienced mentors with strong extramuralfunding and an established history of collaboration. Specific objectives of the program are as follows: 1. To develop an interactive, productive and exciting interdisciplinaryenvironmentin which predoctoral trainees obtain an outstanding education in the area of HIV/AIDS research. This will be achieved by integrating faculty from several different departments and disciplines. 2. To provide an enriched training and learning environment for students, with skills workshops, a mini- internship program, structuredseminar programs and journalclubs, distinguished extramuralspeakers, exposure to clinical aspects of HIV/AIDS, and opportunities for training in mentoring. Students will also be trained to write manuscripts and grant applications. 3. To foster communication among trainees and faculty throughthe programs outlinedabove, and also by providing support for an annualretreat. 4. To support training efforts in two major emphasis areas: (i) viral replication and reverse transcription, and (ii) viral pathogenesis. PERFORMANCE SITE ========================================Section End===========================================
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