Hall, William J (2018) Psychosocial Risk and Protective Factors for Depression Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Youth: A Systematic Review. J Homosex 65:263-316
Kilany, Mona; Morrissey, Joseph P; Domino, Marisa E et al. (2018) Utilization and Adherence in Medical Homes: An Assessment of Rural-Urban Differences for People With Severe Mental Illness. Med Care 56:870-876
Hall, William J; Chapman, Mimi V (2018) Fidelity of Implementation of a State Antibullying Policy With a Focus on Protected Social Classes. J Sch Violence 17:58-73
Hall, William J; Chapman, Mimi V (2018) The Role of School Context in Implementing a Statewide Anti-Bullying Policy and Protecting Students. Educ Policy (Los Altos Calif) 32:507-539
Bunger, Alicia C; Doogan, Nathan; Hanson, Rochelle F et al. (2018) Advice-seeking during implementation: a network study of clinicians participating in a learning collaborative. Implement Sci 13:101
Bunger, Alicia C; Lengnick-Hall, Rebecca (2018) Do learning collaboratives strengthen communication? A comparison of organizational team communication networks over time. Health Care Manage Rev 43:50-60
Olesiuk, William J; Farley, Joel F; Domino, Marisa Elena et al. (2017) Do Medical Homes Offer Improved Diabetes Care for Medicaid Enrollees with Co-occurring Schizophrenia? J Health Care Poor Underserved 28:1030-1041
Hall, William (2017) The Effectiveness of Policy Interventions for School Bullying: A Systematic Review. J Soc Social Work Res 8:45-69
Olesiuk, William Joseph; Wu, Bei (2017) Are expectations for community mental health increasing among older adults in China? Psychol Serv 14:397-402
Domino, Marisa Elena; Kilany, Mona; Wells, Rebecca et al. (2017) Through the Looking Glass: Estimating Effects of Medical Homes for People with Severe Mental Illness. Health Serv Res 52:1858-1880
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