Peters, Jessica R; Chester, David S; Walsh, Erin C et al. (2018) The rewarding nature of provocation-focused rumination in women with borderline personality disorder: a preliminary fMRI investigation. Borderline Personal Disord Emot Dysregul 5:1
Peters, Jessica R; Eisenlohr-Moul, Tory A; Walsh, Erin C et al. (2018) Exploring the pathophysiology of emotion-based impulsivity: The roles of the sympathetic nervous system and hostile reactivity. Psychiatry Res 267:368-375
Marceau, Kristine; Cinnamon Bidwell, L; Karoly, Hollis C et al. (2018) Within-Family Effects of Smoking during Pregnancy on ADHD: the Importance of Phenotype. J Abnorm Child Psychol 46:685-699
Peters, Jessica R; Mereish, Ethan H; Solomon, Joel B et al. (2018) Suicide Ideation in Adolescents Following Inpatient Hospitalization: Examination of Intensity and Lability Over 6 Months. Suicide Life Threat Behav :
Dawson, Danyelle N; Eisenlohr-Moul, Tory A; Paulson, Julia L et al. (2018) Emotion-related impulsivity and rumination predict the perimenstrual severity and trajectory of symptoms in women with a menstrually related mood disorder. J Clin Psychol 74:579-593
Micalizzi, Lauren; Marceau, Kristine; Brick, Leslie A et al. (2018) Inhibitory control in siblings discordant for exposure to maternal smoking during pregnancy. Dev Psychol 54:199-208
Eisenlohr-Moul, Tory A; Schmalenberger, Katja M; Owens, Sarah A et al. (2018) Perimenstrual exacerbation of symptoms in borderline personality disorder: evidence from multilevel models and the Carolina Premenstrual Assessment Scoring System. Psychol Med 48:2085-2095
Mereish, Ethan H; Peters, Jessica R; Yen, Shirley (2018) Minority Stress and Relational Mechanisms of Suicide among Sexual Minorities: Subgroup Differences in the Associations Between Heterosexist Victimization, Shame, Rejection Sensitivity, and Suicide Risk. Suicide Life Threat Behav :
Sheinkopf, Stephen J; Tenenbaum, Elena J; Messinger, Daniel S et al. (2017) Maternal and infant affect at 4 months predicts performance and verbal IQ at 4 and 7 years in a diverse population. Dev Sci 20:
Peters, Jessica R; Derefinko, Karen J; Lynam, Donald R (2017) Negative Urgency Accounts for the Association Between Borderline Personality Features and Intimate Partner Violence in Young Men. J Pers Disord 31:16-25
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