The purpose of this postdoctoral program is to train Ph.D.'s and M.D.'s for careers in neuroscience research. The program is highly focused in neuronal signaling, encompassing many of the most exciting areas of modern neuroscience, which rely on techniques of cellular and molecular neuroscience. Studies on neuronal signaling pathways have lead to new insights in understanding neurological diseases such as Huntington's, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy and stroke. A common theme in these diseases is often defects in signaling pathways. The focus of this program was chosen because of its impact in normal physiology and pathological diseases and the expertise of the training faculty. The sixteen members of the training faculty were selected because of their scientific expertise and their substantial records of successful training of postdoctoral fellows. All of the mentors are either members of the Vollum Institute (VI) or closely affiliated centers at Oregon Health and Science University. The concentration of outstanding faculty in a strongly collaborative environment offers a highly focused and interactive environment for postdoctoral training. In addition to laboratory research training, postdoctoral trainees will participate in numerous other activities designed to enhance their career development. Included among these are a course on The Neurobiology of Disease, the Vollum Seminar series (outside speakers), Vollum noon seminar series (short talks by postdoctoral fellows), scientific writing course, and a series of career development workshops which include such topics as grant writing, setting up a laboratory, job interviewing, etc. Each trainee will have a three member career development committee that will advise the trainee for two years and also work with the trainee when he/she initiates a job search. Trainees will meet bimonthly as a group with mentors and present updates on their research. ? ?

National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Institutional National Research Service Award (T32)
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NST-2 Subcommittee (NST)
Program Officer
Korn, Stephen J
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Oregon Health and Science University
Schools of Medicine
United States
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Nahir, Ben; Jahr, Craig E (2013) Activation of extrasynaptic NMDARs at individual parallel fiber-molecular layer interneuron synapses in cerebellum. J Neurosci 33:16323-33
Barsukova, Anna G; Forte, Michael; Bourdette, Dennis (2012) Focal increases of axoplasmic Ca2+, aggregation of sodium-calcium exchanger, N-type Ca2+ channel, and actin define the sites of spheroids in axons undergoing oxidative stress. J Neurosci 32:12028-37
Luikart, Bryan W; Perederiy, Julia V; Westbrook, Gary L (2012) Dentate gyrus neurogenesis, integration and microRNAs. Behav Brain Res 227:348-55
Levitt, Erica S; Williams, John T (2012) Morphine desensitization and cellular tolerance are distinguished in rat locus ceruleus neurons. Mol Pharmacol 82:983-92
Luikart, Bryan W; Bensen, AeSoon L; Washburn, Eric K et al. (2011) miR-132 mediates the integration of newborn neurons into the adult dentate gyrus. PLoS One 6:e19077
Barsukova, Anna G; Bourdette, Dennis; Forte, Michael (2011) Mitochondrial calcium and its regulation in neurodegeneration induced by oxidative stress. Eur J Neurosci 34:437-47
Luikart, Bryan W; Schnell, Eric; Washburn, Eric K et al. (2011) Pten knockdown in vivo increases excitatory drive onto dentate granule cells. J Neurosci 31:4345-54
Fortin, Dale A; Davare, Monika A; Srivastava, Taasin et al. (2010) Long-term potentiation-dependent spine enlargement requires synaptic Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors recruited by CaM-kinase I. J Neurosci 30:11565-75
Bender, Vanessa A; Pugh, Jason R; Jahr, Craig E (2009) Presynaptically expressed long-term potentiation increases multivesicular release at parallel fiber synapses. J Neurosci 29:10974-8
Bender, Kevin J; Trussell, Laurence O (2009) Axon initial segment Ca2+ channels influence action potential generation and timing. Neuron 61:259-71

Showing the most recent 10 out of 11 publications