Since 1991, CityMatCH has been the premier national organization dedicated tostrengthening public health systems, organizations and leaders who share accountability formaternal and child health outcomes in urban communities. CityMatCH offers its membershipinformation exchange, networking opportunities, and education and training services, includingthe annual conference each year. The 2009 Annual CityMatCH Urban Maternal and ChildHealth Leadership Conference the subject of this CDC conference support grant request willbe the 19th CityMatCH Conference.The overall purpose, scope and theme for the 2009 conference (to be held in NewOrleans, LA, August 22 25, 2009) will be linked to the economic challenges our participantscurrently facing in local public health departments. The goals for the conference are to: 1)Disseminate science and information for improving urban maternal and child health practice; 2)Provide skills and practices to address MCH issues; and, 3) Network and exchange promisingpractices.The principal topics of the conference will be broad in scope addressing many issuesimportant to urban MCH, however, the conference will also key in on the area of childdevelopment (i.e. improving preconception health, eliminating birth defects, improvingchildren s mental health, and providing better physical, built, and social environments forchildren). Sessions in the agenda dedicated to child development will offer insights intoimportant questions in hard times such as: What programs are truly effective in enhancing thesocial, cognitive, physical, emotional well-being of our nation s children? How do we measurethe effectiveness of these programs? And, how can MCH professionals continue to be cuttingedge in the areas of child development in these more economically conservative times?
CityMatCH at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) requests support in the amount of $30,000 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the, ?2009 Annual CityMatCH Urban Maternal and Child Health Leadership Conference.? The following Project Narrative describes the proposed scope of work to be carried out by CityMatCH for the grant, Public Health Conference Support Program. The information is ordered as requested in the application instructions and a Budget Narrative follows. Support will be used to fund specific portions of the 2009 Annual Conference that focus on child development (Topic area number NCBDDD-300.7, Child Development) ? our selected topic area of programmatic interest for this CDC conference support.