A large number of studies indicate that environmental stimuli impact the pathogenesis of asthma both bytriggering acute events and by molding the developing adaptive immune responses characteristic of thisdisease. Much of our study of the immune response of the asthmatic lung to innate stimuli such asendotoxin has focused on the role of the Toll receptors, cell surface molecules which through patternrecognition alert the cell in response to the presence of foreign agents. Recent studies by a number of labs,including that of our collaborator Dr. Ting, have identified a novel family of genes, initially termedCATERPILLER genes, which play a critical role in the response of cells to environmental insults. Thesegenes encode cytoplasmic proteins characterized by pyrin, nuclear binding, and leucine-rich domains, similarto those found in Toll receptors. In response to various stimuli, a number of these proteins have been shownto assemble into complexes termed 'inflammasomes' which help to orchestrate the response of the cell tothe environmental threat. In the case of complexes formed with three of the CATERPILLER genes, Nlrpl,cryopyrin/Mrp3, and Nlrc4/lpaf1, this response includes the production of cytokines and the initiation ofevents that lead to necrosis or apoptosis. Previous studies by our group have shown that ATP is required forthe maturation and release of IL-1(3 from endotoxin primed mouse macrophages and, furthermore, that this ismediated by ATP activation of the ion channel, P2X7. A model has emerged in which activation of P2X7leads to alteration in intracellular K+, which in turn leads to activation of some inflammasomes. Morerecently, it has been suggested that P2X7 recruits the hemichannel pannexin-1 and that this complexmediates the passage of bacterial molecules from the endosomal compartment to the host cytosol leading toinflammasome activation. The overall hypothesis of this application is that the activation of theP2X7/inflammosome pathway plays an important part in the response of cells to environmental stimuli,regulating both the maturation and release of the family of IL-1 cytokines and modulating the apoptoticresponse of the lung to these stimuli. This pathway, therefore, can contribute both to the pathogenesis ofasthma as well as to disease exacerbations triggered by environmental stimuli.
Hua, Xiaoyang; Naselsky, Warren C; Jania, Corey M et al. (2016) Mast Cell Deficiency Limits the Development of Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Mice. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 125:290-6 |
Kang, Min-Jong; Yoon, Chang Min; Kim, Bo Hye et al. (2015) Suppression of NLRX1 in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Clin Invest 125:2458-62 |
Aleman, Maria M; Mills, Katherine; Almond, Martha et al. (2015) Reply: To PMID 25195169. J Allergy Clin Immunol 135:836-7 |
Wu, Weidong; Wages, Phillip A; Devlin, Robert B et al. (2015) SRC-mediated EGF receptor activation regulates ozone-induced interleukin 8 expression in human bronchial epithelial cells. Environ Health Perspect 123:231-6 |
Hernandez, Michelle L; Mills, Katherine; Almond, Martha et al. (2015) IL-1 receptor antagonist reduces endotoxin-induced airway inflammation in healthy volunteers. J Allergy Clin Immunol 135:379-85 |
Aleman, Maria M; Kesic, Matthew J; Mills, Katherine H et al. (2015) The IL-1 axis is associated with airway inflammation after O3 exposure in allergic asthmatic patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol 136:1099-101.e2 |
Bennett, William D; Alexis, Neil E; Almond, Martha et al. (2014) Effect of inhaled endotoxin on mucociliary clearance and airway inflammation in mild smokers and nonsmokers. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv 27:459-65 |
Wu, Weidong; Muller, Robin; Berhane, Kiros et al. (2014) Inflammatory response of monocytes to ambient particles varies by highway proximity. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 51:802-9 |
Fry, Rebecca C; Rager, Julia E; Bauer, Rebecca et al. (2014) Air toxics and epigenetic effects: ozone altered microRNAs in the sputum of human subjects. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 306:L1129-37 |
Roberts, Reid A; Shen, Tammy; Allen, Irving C et al. (2013) Analysis of the murine immune response to pulmonary delivery of precisely fabricated nano- and microscale particles. PLoS One 8:e62115 |
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