The administrative core will be responsible for all administrative activities of the Center and will insure that theCenter operates according to its objectives and NIH guidelines. The core will be responsible for coordinatingall fiscal mamagement and personnel management. The core will also coordinate and schedule regularmonthly research conferences, Executive Committee meetings, visits by external advisors, meetings ofinternal advisors and an annual Center retreat. The core will also be responsible for the timely renewal andmodification of animal research, bio-safety and radiation safety approvals, for insuring the timely training of allnew and existing personnel in safe lab practices and for the coordination and preparation of the annualprogress reports. The core will act as intermediary to all components of the program and to the fundingagency to effectively administer and integrate all components of the program and to provide clear, effectiveand succinct communication.Lay summary - This core will provide the necessary administrative back-up to maintain effectivecommunication among each of the projects and cores in this grant and between these projects and cores andgroups of internal and external advisors and staff at the NIAID.
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