Despite the clinical success of antiretroviral therapy (ART), more people contract human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection daily than initiate ART. The difficulties of lifelong ART - particularly in the developing world - make the eradication of HIV imperative. But clearance of a retroviral infection for patients on ART is a herculean task. While much is known about HIV persistence despite ART, many puzzles remain. New tools to address latent infection must replace the paradigms and models used to develop ART. Existing cellular and animal models that represent HIV latency in vivo require further development, and while latent provirus can be purged in the laboratory, a testable, comprehensive therapeutic strategy is not at hand. Therefore we propose the Martin Delaney Collaboratory to Eradicate HIV-1 Infection, a close collaboration of 21 exceptional investigators who have collectively led the field of HIV latency over the last 10 years. To maximize success, we will work across four areas of research to develop the infrastructure and systems needed to define eradication therapies, identify new molecules with therapeutic potential and provide a proof-of-concept for a small molecule based eradication strategy in animal models. Objective 1 will identify the molecular mechanisms underlying viral persistence and latency;Objective 2 will identify drug candidates and therapeutic strategies to reduce the latent viral pool;Objective 3 will establish informative animal model systems to evaluate latency and test therapeutic strategies;and finally. Objective 4 will perform studies in humans to delineate the basis for viral persistence. Three cores will assist research projects with pharmacology, molecular assays, and sequence and expression analysis. An administrative core will assure coordination, and maintain the focus of this experienced and potent group towards translational product development. As a group, we are committed to pooling our resources and expertise to transcend the normal constraints of academic research. Of note, the expertise and durable commitment of Merck Research Laboratories will be critical to delivering therapeutic advances. We are convinced that together we will catalyze advances that will ultimately lead to the eradication of HIV infection.
Despite the success of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in decreasing mortality for HlV-1-infected patients, ART has not cured the disease. A persistent viral reservoir in the T cells of HIV patients receiving potent ART is a significant barrier preventing an HIV cure. Including scientists from eight universities and Merck Research Laboratories, the Martin Delaney Collaboratory will seek to eradicate HIV infection by developing and testing therapies, capable of eventually being tested clinically, that will permanently destroy the viral reservoir.
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