Low-income children, particularly Mexican-Americans, are especially at high risk for early childhood caries(ECC). While caries prevalence in other age groups has been declining in past decades, it is increasingamong preschool-aged children. Our research team already demonstrated fluoride varnish (FV) efficacy inpreventing ECC. This proposal continues our effort with our community partners to seek effectiveinterventions. Resin-based dental sealants have been under-utilized in preschool children because ofapplication difficulty. New materials, such as the refined fluoride-releasing, self-bonding glass ionomer (Gl)sealant, decrease the need for meticulous tooth-surface drying during application and provide an advantagefor treating young children. The goal of this project is to conduct a community-based randomized clinical trial(RCT) to determine the relative efficacy of different combinations of Gl sealants on occlusal surfaces ofprimary molars, FV on all teeth, and parental counseling/anticipatory guidance (C) in reducing the cariesincidence/increment in 3-6-year-old children. A 2x2 factorial design RCT, stratified by study site (one dentaland one non-dental), will be conducted among initially 3-year-old children. Those eligible will be randomizedto four groups (C, C+FV, C+GI, C+FV+GI) and followed for 3 years. The RCT will take place at two sitesserving primarily Hispanic low-income populations in Southern California: the dental facility of the SanYsidro Health Center located near the U.S.-Mexican Border and the location of our current ECC preventionRCT for 0-3 year olds and a new partnership with La Maestra Health Center, in a non-dental setting neartheir dental clinic. Both sites are affiliated with WIC and Head Start.
Other aims are (1) to identify child,family and community-level factors affecting caries incidence/increment; (2) to assess parental acceptanceof interventions, retention in the study as well as compliance with multiple treatment visits in the RCT; and(3) to compare oral-healthcare settings/delivery systems and to assess differences as they relate tointervention outcomes. Information about the non-dental setting will inform future dissemination approaches.The proposed research will continue to establish the scientific evidence base for interventions to preventECC among underserved communities where oral health disparities still prevail.
Zhan, L (2018) Rebalancing the Caries Microbiome Dysbiosis: Targeted Treatment and Sugar Alcohols. Adv Dent Res 29:110-116 |
Cheng, Jing; Cheng, Nancy F; Guo, Zijian et al. (2018) Mediation analysis for count and zero-inflated count data. Stat Methods Med Res 27:2756-2774 |
Probst, Janice C; Barker, Judith C; Enders, Alexandra et al. (2018) Current State of Child Health in Rural America: How Context Shapes Children's Health. J Rural Health 34 Suppl 1:s3-s12 |
Taguri, Masataka; Featherstone, John; Cheng, Jing (2018) Causal mediation analysis with multiple causally non-ordered mediators. Stat Methods Med Res 27:3-19 |
Singelis, Theodore M; Garcia, Raul I; Barker, Judith C et al. (2018) An Experimental Test of the Two-Dimensional Theory of Cultural Sensitivity in Health Communication. J Health Commun 23:321-328 |
Heaton, Brenda; Gebel, Christina; Crawford, Andrew et al. (2018) Using Storytelling to Address Oral Health Knowledge in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities. Prev Chronic Dis 15:E63 |
Wilson, Anne R; Fehringer, Karen A; Henderson, William G et al. (2018) Fidelity of motivational interviewing in an American Indian oral health intervention. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 46:310-316 |
Henshaw, M M; Borrelli, B; Gregorich, S E et al. (2018) Randomized Trial of Motivational Interviewing to Prevent Early Childhood Caries in Public Housing. JDR Clin Trans Res 3:353-365 |
Tiwari, T; Wilson, A R; Mulvahill, M et al. (2018) Maternal Factors Associated with Early Childhood Caries in Urban Latino Children. JDR Clin Trans Res 3:83-90 |
Albino, Judith; Tiwari, Tamanna; Henderson, William G et al. (2018) Parental psychosocial factors and childhood caries prevention: Data from an American Indian population. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 46:360-368 |
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