- Supplement This application proposes the purchase of a nanoString GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler to enable spatial transcriptomics to be integrated into the characterization pipeline of the BIOmolecular Multimodal Imaging Center (BIOMIC) at Vanderbilt University, a Tissue Mapping Center associated with the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP). The mission of BIOMIC is to establish a platform of integrated technologies for the comprehensive molecular imaging and construction of 3-dimensional (3-D) molecular atlases of human kidney tissues. As a member of the HuBMAP consortium, we aim to develop methods and assays that can be easily integrated with technologies implemented by all consortium members. To this end, we propose the introduction of a spatial transcriptomics workflow into our multimodal imaging pipeline. This will allow us to make spatial connections with a wider range of molecular classes including metabolomics (IMS), lipidomics (IMS), proteomics (IMS/LC), cell typing (CODEX), and gene expression (proposed here). Ultimately, this combination of technologies will provide an unprecedented ability to define deep and wholistic molecular profiles for specific cell types and tissue functional units in human organs. Moreover, the inclusion of spatial transcriptomics into our analysis pipeline will allow for greater integration of our molecular information with data produced by other consortium member, particularly those focusing on sequencing efforts.
- Supplement This application proposes the purchase of a nanoString GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler to enable spatial transcriptomics to be integrated into the characterization pipeline of the BIOmolecular Multimodal Imaging Center (BIOMIC) at Vanderbilt University, a Tissue Mapping Center associated with the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP). The mission of BIOMIC is to build a platform of integrated technologies for imaging and molecular analysis that enables the construction of comprehensive 3-dimensional molecular atlases of human tissues. This will allow us to make spatial connections with a wider range of molecular classes including metabolomics (IMS), lipidomics (IMS), proteomics (IMS/LC), cell typing (CODEX), and gene expression (proposed here).