The long-range goal of the Neuroscience Microscopy and Immunohistochemistry Core is to provide a stateof-the-art facility that will enable neuroscience investigators to correlate nervous system structure andfunction. Neuroscientists at Meharry Medical College are exploring various aspects of how the nervoussystem responds to environmental and internal stressors that may induce inflammatory processes andneuro-degeneration. Of particular interest is the question of how genes and the environment interact tocause neurodegenerative disease.
The specific aims of the Neuroscience Microscopy andimmunohistochemistry Core will be to:1. Provide neuro-morphological services that will accommodate the needs of greater than 80% of theneuroscience laboratories at Meharry, thereby decreasing the turn-around time associated with using aremote facility;2. Decrease by 20% the costs associated with doing morphological studies in the nervous system: and3. Insure that Meharry Medical College investigators have e-journal access to the top 10 journals thatpublish neuroscience research results.Dr. Clivel G. Charlton, Chair of the Division of Neurobiology and Neurotoxicology will direct the NeuroscienceMicroscopy and Immunohistochemistry facility. A trained Ph.D. level Core Director will be recruited for theday-to-day management of the facility. The Core Director will also implement an ongoing training programfor investigators, research staff and trainees. As a result of the recent re-organization of the basic sciencedepartments, a number of microscopic and cell/tissue processing resource are available to initiate this corefacility. This includes a new confocal microscope, a cyrostat, microtome, and routine histochemistrysupplies. There is the need to acquire a new fluorescence microscope, image analysis software andenhance the neuroscience e-journal collection.
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