This proposal for a Clinical and Translational Science Center at the University of New Mexico HealthSciences Center (HSC) will catalyze the emergence of a transformative, novel, and integrated academichome for clinical and translational science at a flagship institution that serves the entire state of New Mexicoand the Southwestern region of the U.S. This center will have the infrastructure and consolidated resourcesto: 1) synergize multi- and interdisciplinary clinical and translational research and researchers to catalyze theapplication of new l^nowledge and techniques to clinical practice at the front lines of patient care; 2) recruit,train, and advance well-trained Interdisciplinary investigators and research teams with strength In culturalsensitivity, health disparity, and biotechnology; 3) create an incubator for innovative research and informationtechnologies; and 4) expand existing partnerships between UNM Health Sciences Center (HSC) researchers,practicing clinicians, and communities to speed the development of research. Our vision of the CTSC linksand focuses the efforts of our basic, clinical, and translational investigators, community clinicians, clinicalpractices, health care and research collaborators, and industry partners. Since New Mexico has a highproportion of ethnically diverse (i.e., Hispanic and Native American), rural, medically disenfranchised, andhealth-disparate populations, a CTSC in New Mexico can uniquely address these problems. The UNM CTSCwill draw upon outstanding Institutional commitment (at least $57,802,262 ) to achieve its goals. The UNMCTSC possesses authority over the recruiting, hiring, protected time, expectations, promotion and tenure, andevaluation of its faculty members. Evidence of the commitment and effectiveness of the UNM CTSC In thesepursuits are apparent from the following achievements made during the planning process: (1) reorganizationof the UNM HSC research mission under a new Vice President for Translational Research with authority overresearch education, compliance and research functions, (2) establishment of an institutionally-funded K12-llkeprogram, and recruitment of 5 junior faculty, (3) development of Innovative new research education programs,(4) operation of a functionally expanded Participant and Clinical Interactive Resources component that isserving the needs of several community-based studies, Including the landmark, new National Children'sStudy, (5) the redesign of our institutional approach to Biomedical Informatics and development of a regionalclinical data warehouse that will be available to Investigators using a $5.8 M Investment, and (6) constructionand renovation of new buildings for the CTSC. Additlonally,UNM's commitment Includes $14.5 M In newinstitutional funds committed to CTSC programs, and $8.5 M in matching funds to construct new space tocreate a physical home for the CTSC. Funding of this proposal will assure sustalnabllity and growth of thesetransformations that Is critically needed to support clinical and translational research at UNM.
The UNM Clinical and Translation Science Center will rapidly escalate transformative scientific discovery Intoimproved human health outcome.
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