Proposal Number: 0721680 Principal investigator: Michael J. McLennan Institution: Purdue University Proposal Title: SDCI NMI Improvement: nanoHUB Middleware
Project Summary
This proposal calls for improvements to the software system known as nanoHUB, a cyberinfrastructure for the nano technology research community. This project will add two new software components that expand the Rappture toolkit to support experiment design, visualization and code development, and additions for monitoring and management of virtual clusters using Violin. The resulting generalized system will be packaged for open source deployment for use in other settings beyond the NCN environment. The intellectual merit includes an intuitive form of user interaction enabled by nanoHUB that optimizes ease of use and flexibility. The modular design should result in nanoHUB tools that are easy to integrate with other CI components such as workflow systems. Broad impact has several facets: the nanoHUB user community already numbers in the thousands, and this proposed work will broaden the user base and provide their users more capabilities; the HUB in a box is a direct effort at generalizing these technologies beyond the nano community.