This award is made using funds made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5)
Project will implement configurable and extensible semantic eScience framework. Configuration will require some research into accommodating different levels of semantic expressivity and user requirements from use cases. Extensibility is best achieved in a modular approach to the semantic encodings (i.e. ontologies) performed in a community setting, i.e. an ontology framework into which specific applications all the way up to communities can extend the semantics for their needs. Over the past few years, semantic technologies have evolved and new tools are appearing. Part of the effort in this pro ject will be to accommodate these advances in the new framework and lay out a sustainable software path for the (certain) technical advances. In addition to a generalization of the current data science interface, project will include an upper-level interface suitable for use by clearinghouses, and/or educational portals, digital libraries, and other disciplines.