The Center for Theory and Simulation in Science and Engineering at Cornell University (Cornell Theory Center) proposes a collaboration with the Center for Research on Parallel Computation (CRPC), headquartered at Rice University, for research in the development of scaleable parallel programs in a scientific programming environment. Ken Kennedy;s research group at Rice has developed a prototype parallel programming environment called ParaScope ?4,5,6!. Cornell is one of about twenty sites that have received this software for testing and evaluation. We propose to work together to evaluate and deploy this software. The goal of the proposed research is twofold: (1) to see how useful such an environmen is for scientific programming, and (2) to determine how extensible such and environment is, in scaleability and retargeting to different manchines. The time is ripe for such a study because of the tool's maturity and because of the growing need to retarget user programs quickly to new systems. The High Performance Computing and Communications Initiative will further encourage the proliferation of parallel systems as new approaches to parallel computing are explored. For the next five years, rapid change in our field demands parallel programming tools such as Parascope that can be quickly adapted to support new target parallel architectures.