Workshop on Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Grid Methods, being held March 12-13, 1997 at the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement (SAMR) methods are playing an increasing role in tackling difficult scientific applications, including compressible flows, cosmology, and electronic structures arising in local spin density calculations. Providing adequate software support for SAMR codes is challenging even on sequential implementations. In parallel implementations, program complexity increases qualitatively due to computation and communication requirements that are dynamic, data-dependent, and irregular. The rapid evolution in target parallel systems only further complicates design decisions. A workshop is proposed that will bring together experts in applications, numerical methods, and software development from academia, national labs, and industry. The goal of the workshop is to identify common ground in the application and implementation of SAMR, as well as issues requiring specialization. The specific objectives of the workshop are : (i) to improve the general understanding of the application of SAMR to practical problems, (ii) to identify issues critical to efficient and effective implementation on high performance computers, (iii) to stimulate the development of a community code repository for software including benchmarks to assist in the evaluation of software and compiler technologies. The proceedings of the workshop will be published by Springer-Verlag as part of the IMA (Institute for Mathematical and its Applications) Book Series.