This planning and assessment award to the National Academy of Sciences Board on Atmospheric Science and Climate (BASC) will be conducted by an ad hoc committee of twelve members of diverse and representative backgrounds in the atmospheric and related sciences. Through a series of meetings and consultations, this committee will identify the most effective mechanisms and approaches for NSF-ATM to use to achieve its overall mission of advancing knowledge and understanding in the atmospheric and related sciences. This assessment will survey how NSF should best achieve balance among the funding mechanisms it employs for research and educational activities, and the modes of support for the atmospheric sciences best suited to advance scientific and education goals, and their service to society. The study will also seek to describe how best to provide an effective balance between centralized and distributed community infrastructure support, and explore how NSF-ATM can encourage the broad participation and involvement of atmospheric researchers at a variety of research and educational institutions. The committee's final report is intended to inform both NSF and the Division of Atmospheric Sciences, and will be disseminated to the broader atmospheric science community.