Vertical Plasma drifts driven by the relative orientation and strengths of the Earth's magnetic field and ionospheric electric fields (ExB), and the sensitivity of those drifts to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) are modeled semi-empirically. Multiple-regression and neural network analyses are applied to incoherent scatter radar (ISR) data from the Jicamarca, Peru radar site, to low power JULIA radar data from Jicamarca, to magnetometer data from Peru and from the sites in the Philippines, and to ACE satellite data to improve our understanding of penetrating electric fields. The Rice Convection Model is also used to provide theoretical insight into physical drivers that couple the IMF to vertical ion drifts through coupling to ionospheric electric fields. The research focuses on more accurate descriptions of the time dependant relationships between promptly penetrating electric fields in the daytime and the interplanetary electric and magnetic field conditions. Also, the longitudinal variation of IMF driven electric fields is determined.