Transpolar auroral arcs are an intriguing phenomenon that has not yet been fully explained. It relates to the complicated magnetosphere configuration and dynamics and complex magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling that characterize northward interplanetary field conditions. This is a 5-year data analysis project utilizing data sets from the POLAR, IMAGE and DMSP satellites, solar wind monitors and the SuperDARN radar network in addition to model results from advanced magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling models to address a number of outstanding questions on this phenomenon. Three specific objectives of the proposed project are: (1) Determine the relationship between transpolar arcs and other auroral phenomena that occur simultaneously, such as auroral substorms; (2) Determine the relation of transpolar arcs with ionospheric convection patterns, precipitating particles, and field-aligned currents in both hemispheres; and (3) Investigate the magnetospheric structure and dynamics during transpolar arc evolution.
The broader impacts of the project includes graduate student participation and the promotion of women in science.