Absolute total density and density fluctuations in the thermosphere, on time scales as small as two hours, are measured using precision satellite orbit ephemeris data and satellite laser ranging. High precision data are retrieved from two satellites with very precise accelerometer information on board, and from modern Kalman filtering analyses within the optimal orbit determination technique applicable to hundreds of satellites. The precise determination of atmospheric density between 200 km and 1400 km and its temporal variation is useful for validation of atmospheric density models and for accurate quantification of satellite drag. Correlation of derived density fluctuations with solar flux proxies and magnetic indices are used to investigate the sensitivity of temporal and global density changes to solar and geomagnetic forcing. The research is brought into the classroom by creation of an orbital mechanics and upper atmospheric physics class for graduate students. That course is offered with the option of distance learning participation. Engineering design projects are developed for undergraduate research participation, and a formal collaboration with the Turtle Rock Community College brings Native Americans directly into the research program through graduate assistant participation and lectures at the College.