Electrified water drops and ice particles play an important role in many natural phenomena. The most obvious example is the lightning that accompanies thunderstorms, tornadoes and active volcanoes. The key to this electrification is the charge separations that occur upon the breakup of water or ice surfaces. Recent experimental and theoretical advances by chemists and physicists at water and ice interfaces are opening up the possibility of understanding electrification on a molecular level. These advances have inspired a workshop to be held in Telluride, Colorado during August 10-14, 2009. Scientists from the diverse communities of engineering, chemistry, physics and physical meteorology will convene to develop a deeper understanding of the phenomena of electrification in the natural environment.
One conference participant will present a public lecture to a few hundred visitors and residents of Telluride. This is a regular feature of the Telluride Science Research Center, which will host the workshop. This educational outreach may inspire other participants to offer similar popular lectures in their own communities. Lightning has fairly obvious impacts on structures and anything else that it strikes. An improved understanding of water and ice electrification may also lead to insights into the influences of human activity (e.g., increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other pollutants).