Magnetic reconnection is a powerful force that transports energy from the solar wind into the near-space region around Earth. This work will study the process of magnetic reconnection. The resulting scientific results could lead to improvement of predictive space weather models. This fits directly into the goals of the National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan, released in 2015. The project will also lead to development of an undergraduate class at Boston University (BU) on "Spacecraft Mission Design" and incorporation of a space weather lesson in the BU UDesign summer program for local middle school students. A female post-doc and a graduate student will be mentored.
Magnetic reconnection is the primary mechanism for solar wind-magnetosphere coupling. The proposed work will aim to understand the dynamics of magnetic reconnection in three-dimensional space. The questions to be addressed are (Q1) what controls the spreading rate of magnetopause reconnection near the subsolar magnetopause and (Q2) how does boundary thickness and shear flow impact the speed of reconnection spreading. In this context, "spreading" refers to the expansion in local time along the boundary of the magnetopause. The NSF supported SuperDARN radar and NASA's Magnetic Multi-Scale (MMS) mission satellite observations will be utilized to answer these questions.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.