This award will provide a computer cluster to Millersville University who will use it to integrate new computational techniques and apply them to scientific questions that have relevance over a broad range of environmental and human problems. The cluster will also provide balance to the education and training of students in the Department of Earth Sciences at Millersville University which has a strong observational research background.
A 16-blade server and GPU node will be acquired and installed in the existing university data center. The research team identifies multiple uses for the cluster, including weather modeling for agriculture and road weather, using numerical models to understand coronal magnetic ejections and the plasma environment, linking agricultural runoff to hypoxia events in the Chesapeake Bay, and determining the links between small-scale geologic structures and subsurface fluid flow in sedimentary basins.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.