The 1989 Boulder Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry will be held on the campus of the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado on June 19-23, 1989. The general topics to be covered include: Heterogeneous Chemistry, Stratospheric Chemistry, and the Atmospheric Chemistry of Organic Compounds, particularly their role in oxidant formation. The topics are related and pivotal to an understanding of current national and international concerns such as stratospheric ozone depletion and tropospheric ozone pollution. The format for the Boulder conference will be very similar to that of the Gordon Conference which encourages the free discussion of scientific ideas and issues. The attendance will be limited to about 135 participants, including speakers and session chair-persons. The location of the dormitories, eating halls, and the lecture hall are such that direct interactions among the participants is greatly facilitated. The attendees are drawn from scientific groups who otherwise do not meet often in the course of their research or at scientific society meetings.