The object of this research is to investigate the application of observations from MST/ST radars to aspects of mesoscale circulation. In particular, observations from the Flatland radar located near Champaign, Illinois, will be used to explore three issues. The first issue is that there is a need for better understanding of the relationship between the space and time scales of vertical motions, especially relating to the interpretation of measurements of vertical motions by ST radars and the synoptic or sub-synoptic scale circulation. Coupled with this issue is a need to identify the source of the apparent downward bias in measured vertical velocities. Second, measurements taken with a five-beam configuration are now available and will be used to study gravity waves. Case studies and statistical summaries of features such as the vertical flux of horizontal momentum will be used to characterize the source mechanisms of mesoscale motions and the effects of varying background weather conditions. Also, they will help interpret the variance spectrum of horizontal motions. Third, the data from Flatland will be combined with other mesoscale observing systems located nearby, such as the microbarograph array operated by NOAA and the Urbana ST radar, to provide physical insights of mesoscale processes not possible with a single radar.//