This project represents the continuation of research begun as a pilot study in which the application of a new mathematical technique, known as the contour dynamics method, to the study of atmospheric dynamics was investigated. The initial results of that study are sufficiently promising to warrant continuing the research. The project involves the collaboration of Dr. Alan Plumb of MIT and Dr. Lorenzo Polvani of Columbia University who is funded under ATM-9020999. The contour dynamics method provides a means to resolve fine structure of fields at relatively low computational expense. This is particularly useful for studies of the behavior of the stratospheric polar vortex. Disturbances to this vortex, in the form of upwardly propogating large-scale waves, often result in the breaking off from the main vortex of filaments and secondary vortices; this air then mixes into the middle latitude regions, affecting the overall circulation of the stratosphere. This study will attempt to better define the nonlinear dynamical processes involved. The Principal Investigators also hope to begin exploring the dynamics of synoptic-scale eddies in the troposphere using the same techniques.