The PIs propose to add a state-of-the-art 95 GHz (3.2 mm wavelength) radar to the Facility for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (FARS), which currently includes three polarization lidars and a variety of passive sensors at their permanent structure at the University of Utah. This scannable Doppler polarimetric radar will yied the following cloud data quantities: radar reflectivitryu factors in the V and H planes, and hence linear depolarization ratios and differential reflectivities, and the measn and variance of radial cloud particle velocityu. System sensitivity should permit cloud studies ranging from many fair weather cumulus to high cirrus clouds. This radar will be integrated into the ongoing Project FIRE studies of cirrus clouds to enhance the datasets and and provide new insights into cirrus properties using the multiple remote sensor approach, and particularly with regard to the Doppler measurement capabilities. Measurements of supercooled altocumulus cloud layers will receive special attention, and will serve as inputs for mixed-phase microphysical, radiative and dynamical models to help answer basic questions about the growth and nucleation of these layer clouds.