The ALOHA-93 and CADRE campaigns are centered one measurements of middle atmosphere dynamics at low and equatorial latitudes. As part of the ALOHA-93/CADRE campaign, a detailed investigation will be made of the properties and sources of small scale gravity waves that occur within about 500 km radius of the Hawaiian Islands. In particular, sequential observations of the OI (557.7 nm), Na (589.2 nm) and near infrared OH emissions will be used to provide a comprehensive data set valuable for the investigation of both horizontal and vertical gravity wave propagation, horizontal anisotropy, wind filtering and wave dissipation. These data will significantly extend the range over which correlative studies can be made with the airborne measurements and will be highly complementary to the other ground based measurements. The 2- dimensional wave information provided by the image data at each emission altitude will be particularly useful in the investigation of the dominant sources of small scale gravity waves over the mid- Pacific ocean.