Support is sought to purchase a UNIX-based server to provide storage and computational support for the Earth Science Laboratory (EESL) within the Department of Geosciences at Northeastern University (NLU). The EESL is a modern teaching and research facility which allows users to integrate meteorological, geological, and geographical data using UNIDATA and geographic information systems (GIS) software. This request is one of three proposals to establish the ESSL. In addition to the UNIDATA program, proposals were sent to the State of Louisiana, private donators and the NSF ILI program. The other (non-UNIDATA) proposals have been successful. The PIs consider the UNIDATA request as the final phase of their effort. The server will allow the ESSL to operate efficiently and be connected to the internet. Using the requested equipment, NLU plans to act as a second level node to distribute real time data to the UNIDATA community.