Abstract ATM-9526139 Markgraf. Vera University of Colorado Title: Coordination of PEP I Research Activities PEP I (Pole-Equator-Pole, the paleoclimate transect of the Americas)is a PAGES/IGBP research initiative in the organizational and planing stages. Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental records contain information on the natural variability of the earth's past environments and climate and provide a framework for assessing the validity of future global climate change predictions and for understanding mechanisms of past climate changes. A scientific agenda for interhemispheric paleoclimate research has been formulated. An international working group for PEP I will implement the science program. This award will support: 1. annual meetings to coordinate working group activities, especially in terms of enhancing cooperation in North and South America in the past global change arena; 2.coordination efforts for maintaining communication among the researchers, working groups, funding agencies (such as IAI) and other global change programs; and 3. facilitate coordination of research meetings on specific PEP I research themes.