This project will prepare and deliver to the NSWP a value added data set providing a summary characterization of the energetic particle environment at geostationary orbit obtained from data from 1989 to the present. A statistical data set containing 1-day and 1-year averages which covers the entire 1989 - present interval from 4 geostationary space craft will be prepared. Included will be the mean flux values, the mode, maximum, minimum and standard deviation of the fluxes (or fluences) over specific energy ranges and integration time constants. In addition, spin averaged, 3- minute time resolution data for the years 1990 - 1993 (near solar maximum and on the declining phase of the solar cycle) will be provided from three instruments from one geostationary craft. Relevant ancillary data such as solar wind data, geomagnetic data, etc. will be appended to the data sets.