Abstract ATM-9629702 Clayson, Carol Anne Purdue University Title: An Integrated Approach for Examining the Large -Scale Interactions Between the Atmosphere and Oceans on Intraseasonal Time Scales This is a three year project to investigate the ocean-atmosphere interaction occurring within the TOGA COARE (TC) domain and its ramifications for the entire Pacific basin, by an integrated approach utilizing data, models and theory. Thus this topic in not only highly relevant to TC objectives but also central to climate understanding and prediction. The specific goals to be achieved are 1) Assembly of atmospheric, oceanic and surface flux data sets and conduct diagnostic studies to do detailed budget studies. 2) conduct ocean modeling studies of the response to different types and scales of surface forcing especially during westerly wind bursts. 3)Analyze the wave structure of the coupled atmosphere-ocean system by using the large scale data of the ocean and the atmosphere obtained during TOGA COARE IOP.